Other Systems


Jenkins can be installed on FreeBSD using the standard FreeBSD package manager, pkg.

Long Term Support release

A LTS (Long-Term Support) release is chosen every 12 weeks from the stream of regular releases as the stable release for that time period. It can be installed from the FreeBSD pkg package manager.

# pkg install jenkins-lts

Disclaimer: The FreeBSD project maintains the Jenkins packaging for FreeBSD. The Jenkins package for FreeBSD is NOT officially supported by the Jenkins project, but it is actively used by the FreeBSD project at https://ci.freebsd.org/ .

Weekly release

A new release is produced weekly to deliver bug fixes and features to users and plugin developers. It can be installed from the FreeBSD pkg package manager.

# pkg install jenkins

The long term support package jenkins-lts and the weekly package installation jenkins will:

  • Configure Jenkins as a daemon which may optionally be launched on start. See /etc/rc.conf for more details

  • Create a ‘jenkins’ user to run the service

  • Direct console log output to the file /var/log/jenkins.log. Check this file when troubleshooting Jenkins

  • Set Jenkins to listen on port 8180 from the path /jenkins. Open http://localhost:8180/jenkins to login to Jenkins

Start Jenkins

You can start the Jenkins service with the command:

# service jenkins onestart

You can check the status of the Jenkins service using the command:

# service jenkins status

You can stop the Jenkins service with the command:

# service jenkins stop

Enable Jenkins

Add the following to /etc/rc.conf to start Jenkins automatically on system boot:


Once Jenkins is enabled, it can be started with:

# service jenkins start

Other configuration values that can be set in /etc/rc.conf or in /etc/rc.conf.d/jenkins are described in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jenkins. Refer to the Jenkins page on the FreeBSD wiki for more information specific to Jenkins on FreeBSD.

OpenIndiana Hipster

On a system running OpenIndiana Hipster Jenkins can be installed in either the local or global zone using the Image Packaging System (IPS).

Disclaimer: This platform is NOT officially supported by the Jenkins team, use it at your own risk. Packaging and integration described in this section is maintained by the OpenIndiana Hipster team, bundling the generic jenkins.war to work in that operating environment.

For the common case of running the newest packaged weekly build as a standalone (Jetty) server, simply execute:

pkg install jenkins
svcadm enable jenkins

The common packaging integration for a standalone service will:

  • Create a jenkins user to run the service and to own the directory structures under /var/lib/jenkins.

  • Pull the Java package and other packages required to execute Jenkins, including the jenkins-core-weekly package with the latest jenkins.war.

  • Set up Jenkins as an SMF service instance (svc:/network/http:jenkins) which can then be enabled with the svcadm command demonstrated above.

  • Set up Jenkins to listen on port 8080.

  • Configure the log output to be managed by SMF at /var/svc/log/network-http:jenkins.log.

Once Jenkins is running, consult the log (/var/svc/log/network-http:jenkins.log) to retrieve the generated administrator password for the initial set up of Jenkins, usually it will be found at /var/lib/jenkins/home/secrets/initialAdminPassword. Then navigate to localhost:8080 to complete configuration of the Jenkins instance.

To change attributes of the service, such as environment variables like JENKINS_HOME or the port number used for the Jetty web server, use the svccfg utility:

svccfg -s svc:/network/http:jenkins editprop
svcadm refresh svc:/network/http:jenkins

You can also refer to /lib/svc/manifest/network/jenkins-standalone.xml for more details and comments about currently supported tunables of the SMF service. Note that the jenkins user account created by the packaging is specially privileged to allow binding to port numbers under 1024.

The current status of Jenkins-related packages available for the given release of OpenIndiana can be queried with:

pkg info -r '*jenkins*'

Upgrades to the package can be performed by updating the entire operating environment with pkg update, or specifically for Jenkins core software with:

pkg update jenkins-core-weekly

Procedure for updating the package will restart the currently running Jenkins process. Make sure to prepare it for shutdown and finish all running jobs before updating, if needed.

Solaris, OmniOS, SmartOS, and other siblings

Generally it should suffice to install a supported Java version, download the jenkins.war, and run it as a standalone process or under an application server such as Apache Tomcat.

Some caveats apply:

  • Headless JVM and fonts: For OpenJDK builds on minimalized-footprint systems, there may be issues running the headless JVM, because Jenkins needs some fonts to render certain pages.

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