Offline Installations
This section describes how to install Jenkins on a machine that does not have an internet connection.
To install Jenkins itself, download the appropriate war file and transfer it to your machine.
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Offline plugin installation
Offline plugin installations require additional effort due to dependency requirements.
The Plugin Installation Manager Tool is the recommended tool for offline plugin installation. It downloads user specified plugins and all dependencies of the user specified plugins. The Plugin Installation Manager Tool also reports available plugin updates and plugin security warnings. It is included in the official Jenkins Docker images. It is also used to install plugins as part of the Docker install instructions. Refer to the Gitter chat channel for questions and answers
If you want to transfer the individual plugins, you’ll need to retrieve all dependencies as well. There are several dependency retrieval scripts and tools on Github. For example:
Plugin installation manager tool - Java command line utility to install Jenkins plugins and their dependencies.
samrocketman/jenkins-bootstrap-shared - Java is required; packages Jenkins and plugins into an immutable package installer. Supported formats include: RPM, DEB, Docker. Can proxy Jenkins and plugins through Nexus or Artifactory since Gradle is used to assemble plugins.
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